Laboratório de Processo e Constituição


Who are we?


The ProcNet - International Research Network – Civil Justice and Contemporary Procedural Law is an organization of research groups of Brazilian Universities (registred at the directory of the CNPq – National Council for Scientific and Technological Development -, and congregates professor and researchers of several countries, with the objective of promoting sicentific investigation and research about the Civil Justice legal system and procedural law.

The search for a more efficient civil justice legal system and its permanent enhancing requires a quality debate about the division of functions between judges and parties, the case management instruments, challanges to access to justice, the cost and duration of proceedings, effectiveness of judicial decisions, alternative and adequate dispute resolution, always aiming to protect legal rights of people, as well as to contribute to the development of an equitable and proportional judicial process, suitable to the complexity of the cases.

To achieve these goals, ProcNet intends to organize events, joint publications of collective works, student and researchers exchange, stimulate the progress of justice-related institutions through the dissemination of good practices in legislation and adjudication regarding the civil justice legal system and procedural law.

Members and collaborators of ProcNet are professors and researchers of Brazilian and international Universities with wide academic experience, and whose scientific production has relevant impact in its area, actively engaged in research projects related to the legislative and institutional improvement of national and comparative law, promoting  internationalization and pluralism of ideas.

Beside the specialized law reviews in the field of research, ProcNet has Civil Procedure Review as its main vehicle of publication, whose content is available at

Get to know, share and like the page of ProcNet on Facebook (, on ( ), and on the webpage of LAPROCON (

Publications of members and collaborators of ProcNet can be found on its member’s personal webpages and on SSRN and


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© 2013 Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Todos os direitos reservados.
Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910